Targeted treatment for amateur enthusiasts to seasoned athletes
Sports massage therapy is a deep remedial tissue massage which can be used holistically as a whole body treatment or targeted to specific areas of the body. It is a versatile form of massage that can be used on both athletes and non-sporting patients for general relaxation, or to treat specific injuries and problem areas.
We recommend sports massage for anyone who participates regularly in sport in order to reduce risk of injury. We offer sports massage as a stand-alone treatment, or as a part of an osteopathic treatment. We recommend this combined approach if treating a specific injury as muscular pain, more often than not, has a deeper root cause.

Sports Massage HAs many benefits;
What to Expect
Your first appointment at The Sussex Osteopaths will involve a detailed case history so that we can better understand your problem and any contributing factors. We will also discuss previous injuries and your previous health history. It is good to have the names of any medications you may be taking to hand as these can alter which treatment modalities may suit you best. We will also do a postural and biomechanical assessment which involves some simple spinal and joint movements.
Sports massage typically works best directly onto the patient’s skin using oils or liquid wax and so it is best to wear suitable underwear or loose fitting shorts. If you are uncomfortable removing clothing this is not an issue, we can adapt our treatment to work on your muscles through thin clothing if necessary.